DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI issue
I have Tortoise v3.2.0 installed on several servers and I have come across a strange problem when I run DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI to merge some AP/PA DTI data. The data is on a NFS mounted volume to all these servers. One server can run the DR BUDDI correctly on this mounted volume. When I try the same command on the same data in the mounted volume but on different servers, the command starts but then hangs at "Transforming volume: 0" step. It ever progresses pass this step.
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Problem with DR_BUDDI
I am new to TORTOISE and I have been trying to process my DTI data. I have 64 up volumes and 5 down volumes.
When I run the DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI command using the MSJac metric, I get the error message: "Segmentation fault", and when I change the metrics to CCS or CCSK, I get the following error:
"libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::length_error: vector
I would really appreciate if you could please tell me how I can fix this error?
Thank you,
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The infinity value and changed shape of proc diffusion MRI
Dear developers,
Thanks for the effort to make TORTOISE effective.
DR_BUDDI executables
I see that DR_BUDDI has three versions, DR_BUDDI, DR_BUDDI_fordebugging, and DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI.
Which one of these should I be using?
Are there differences between DR_BUDDI and DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI?
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xxx_proc_DRBUDDI_up_final.list does not exist
I was running tortoise and keep having the error: W9881_AP_proc_DRBUDDI_up_final.list does not exist... Exiting!!!
DR BUDDI exits
After running DR BUDDI with
....AP_proc.list, .....PA_proc.list and T1.nii, a path to output folder, and a name for the new listfile
and using all other default parameters
I get this message....
"3 numbers have to be entered for final resolution....Exiting."
Can you explain what is happening here and how to fix this?
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"Applying" results of DRBUDDI to full dataset
New user to TORTOISE!
I have diffusion data with 7 up and 7 direction, and a full data set with 64 directions. I have been able to follow the steps till DRBUDDI stage; I have provided the 7 direction blip up data and the 7 direction blip down data. Once I have the results, how can I "apply" the results of distortion correction to my full data? Or do I need to run DRBUDDI with full data (blip up) and 7 directions blip down?
Apologies for the newbie questions.
Thank you!
Keep diffusing!
Dear TORTOISE team
I got the following error when using demo_step6_TensorFit.sh for the first time:
~/TORTOISE_V3.1.3_AFNI_bootcamp_DATA_102218/scripts$ ./demo_step6_TensorFit.sh
EstimateTensorWLLS -i ../demo_DATA/5--step5_DRBUDDI_correction/dti_n_ap_DR_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/dti_n_ap_DR_proc_DRBUDDI_final.list -m ../demo_DATA/5--step5_DRBUDDI_correction/dti_n_ap_DR_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/mask_mask.nii.gz
ComputeDECMap ../demo_DATA/5--step5_DRBUDDI_correction/dti_n_ap_DR_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/dti_n_ap_DR_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii
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DRBUDDI error transformations were not found
We're setting up a new study and updating our protocol to Tortoise 3. I'm having some trouble getting DRBUDDI to run successfully, using a subject that ran without problem on Tortoise 2.5. I have not been able to figure out the source of this error message that comes up when starting DRBUDDI:
"WARNING!! The transformations were not found for the up data. Is this intentional? DR BUDDI expects DIFFPREP to have been run previously..."
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