General Recommendations
- Do not push the resolution. Your images should still have signal above the noise floor in fiber bundles that are parallel to your diffusion gradients.
- Always acquire isotropic voxel size. For standard MRI scanners with generic gradients, 2mm isotropic resolution is common these days.
- Do not use very high in-plane acceleration or multi-band acceleration factors. Make sure the acceleration factors you use do not introduce additional imaging artifacts.
- The diffusion gradients should sample the whole sphere instead of half-sphere to balance the effects of imaging gradients.
- For brain imaging, try to use a square in-plane field-of-view.
- The FoV should cover the entire object of interest. Additionally, have a couple of empty-slices before and after (such as inferior and superior in axial acquisitions) the object. This will improve the registration performance.
- Acquire a fat-suppressed T2W TSE anatomical image for pre-processing. TORTOISE makes use of this.
- 1 b=0 s/mm2 image should be acquired for every 6-10 DWI.
- We STRONGLY recommend to acquire your data with blip-up blip-down acquisitions.
2-way Blip-Up Blip-Down Acquisition Recommendations
- We STRONGLY recommend to acquire full acquisitions (not just b=0 images) in both the up phase-encoding and down phase-encoding directions
- For studies that are sensitive to gradient direction sampling resolution, the up and down data should include different but complimentary diffusion gradient directions.
- For studies where the SNR of DWIs is important, the up and down data should use identical gradient directions. For this case, TORTOISE will combine the two datasets into a single one with higher SNR in DWIs.
4-way Blip-Up Blip-Down Acquisition Recommendations
- 4-way phase-encoding refers to acquiring the data using Anterior-Posterior (AP), Posterior-Anterior (PA), Right-Left (RL), Left-Right (LR) phase-encoding directions all together.
- Diffusion gradient to phase-encoding distribution:
- Determine the number of volumes that you can acquire given the scan time. Generate the optimum gradient set for this number of volumes.
- For studies that are sensitive to gradient direction sampling resolution, distribute these gradient/bvals evenly to the four phase-encoding directions, i.e. each phase-encoding direction should contain the same number of b=0 images and DWIs but with different directions.
- For studies where the SNR of DWIs is important, partition the optimum gradient set into two: Set1 for AP and PA phase-encoding, Set 2 for RL and LR encoding.
- Concatenate the processed AP/PA and RL/LR datasets into a single, final one to be used in analysis.
- Example diffusion sets are provided in this page.
- For all 4 phase-encoding series, set TE/TR to minimum achieveable. Note these values. Compute the final TE (or TR) as TE_{final} = max( TE_{AP}, TE_{PA}, TE_{RL}, TE_{LR} ). Manually set all 4 TEs to this value. Repeat for TR.
Siemens Specific Recommendations
- Siemens scanner softwares have a bug that change the prescribed phase-encoding directions, when loading an existing acquisition protocol.
- Make sure that the phase-encoding directions are correct after loading protocols.
GE Specific Recommendations
- Diffusion gradients for GE are prescribed as read/phase/slice instead of x/y/z. Therefore the 3d gradient vector (g1, g2, g3) with AP phase encoding is not identical to (g1, g2, g3) with RL phase-encoding. It actually would be (g2, -g1, g3). Consider this while generating your final gradient sets.