Please use this forum to ask, discuss or 'brain' storm any ideas related to TORTOISE processing or analysis. The members from TORTOISE group or your fellow TORTOISE users will help you navigate through this site or the software. For efficient use, organization and search ability, it is best to enter a title related to the question being asked.
DIFFPREP phase and TORTOISE_AFNI_bootcamp_DATA_registration_sett
1,if the phase was the LR and RL, should I choose the slice?
2,The registration settings file /home/zhangxiaochu/zharj/DIFF_PREP_WORK/TORTOISE_AFNI_bootcamp_DATA_registration_settings.dmc does not exist.. Exiting
this is the script:
--dwi $odir/LR.nii \
--bvecs $odir/LR_rvec.dat \
--bvals $odir/LR_bval.dat \
--structural $path_P_ss/anat_01/t2w.nii \
--phase slice \
--will_be_drbuddied 1 \
--reg_settings TORTOISE_AFNI_bootcamp_DATA_registration_settings.dmc
This is a test to check if the forum feature works.
Happy TORTOISE to everybody.